
IMG - Direct to Consumer revolution

Furniture, pans, suitcases, glasses, drinks, cosmetics: native digital and data driven brands that disintermediate the supply chain by selling directly to their consumers. Collect shares, attract the attention of the market giants and begin redefining the entire product categories. 

Will this be one of the directions to be adopted in order to innovate in established markets?

A legitimate question, to which we try to give answers.

- 18.00 Welcome
- 18.30 A focus on online consumer behaviors (Cristiano Nissotti - Strategy & Insight Director at MediaCom)
- 18.45 Direct to consumer revolution (Irene Serafica - Head of Strategic Design at CBA Italy)
- 19.15 Roundtable - How to innovate in established market with Carlo Battaglino from Lirecento CEO, Stefano Cavaleri Foorban Co-founder, Cristiano Nissotti and Irene Serafica 
- 19.40 Happy hour

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CBA Italia

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Sara Borchiero 
CBA Italy Strategic Designer 
Tel. +39 02 3057 461

Enrico Mondelli 
CBA Italy Strategic Designer 
Tel. +39 02 3057 461

8 Monday
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11 Thursday
18:00 - 20:30
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12 Friday
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