The fifth edition of Elle Decor Grand Hotel goes digital with the IperHotel project by Ludovica + Roberto Palomba.

Tips, Milan — 28 November 2020



The habitual appointment that from 2016 brings the public to discover the rooms of Palazzo Morando in Milan, this year goes beyond spatial boundaries to open to digital.

On November 26, 2020, the fifth long-awaited edition of Elle Decor Grand Hotel opened. For the first time the appointment will be completely digital.
The duo of architects Ludovica + Roberto Palomba has been called to imagine a hotel dedicated to wellness, to sharing, trying to overcome the delicate and difficult moment we are going through by looking at what will be the future of hospitality.
Everything takes place in the frame that has been with us since 2016, Palazzo Morando.


"When we designed this installation, we thought of it as a hypertext with environments that connect you to other realities, functions and emotions, as happens on the Web". These are the words of the duo of architects Ludovica + Roberto Palomba.

Ludovica + Roberto Palomba started from a concrete project that then became Hyper.

But what has changed from past editions?

Palazzo Morando is the link between the virtual world and the real world we all live in. If on the one hand virtuality represents the truly new and original aspect of this edition, the setting, the distribution and the choice of objects give us back the idea of a physical, perceptible and recognizable place.


This was possible especially because in the beginning the project was supposed to be concrete, achievable, which is why the duo of architects designed everything as if it were real. Although digital is a world where there are no limits and boundaries and where everything is possible, the IperHotel project is architecturally sustainable and potentially feasible.


IperHotel is a link between the real world and the digital world that is made to perfection thanks to the game of continuous cross-references, first of all the place where it is based: the city of Milan.
It is the transposition of a reality that should have been but could not be, it is a warm, welcoming place. An interior design that if it had been not digital but physical, would not have had all the pluses that we find here: like the advice on what to see and do in Milan.


Ludovica + Roberto Palomba also wanted to pay special attention to one of the key words of this 2020: DISTANCE.
There is the architectural separation of functions by means of screens or curtains, or like the desk at the entrance that being lower forces you to sit and not to disperse in space.
However, there is no lack of opportunities for meeting, designed ad hoc in compliance with regulations, limiting the number of people and creating well-defined stations.

The distance is forced on us, and obliges us to only virtual gatherings, and yet we like to think that IperHotel gives us a unique opportunity to reunite that, even if at a distance, makes us feel a little less alone in this new reality.

We just have to meet here, at the IperHotel!


© — All rights reserved. — Published on 28 November 2020

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