Le infinite possibilità per il marchio PUPUPULA per bambini

— 16 giugno 2020



.The two collections Paw in Snow and Tree Clothes Rack are lately launched on PUPUPULA’s Taobao store, designed by their in-house designer Su Liu. The new collections are focusing on practicability and sustainability as usual, while the appearances don’t serve for the stereotype of children’s aesthetic, which is generally considered as colorful and cartoon.

When you take a closer look at these two collections, you will notice the clever feature hiding in the design: users can easily add more units on the legs of table and stool, or clothes rack so that the furniture can ‘grow up’ with kids to fit their different heights. That idea is always what PUPUPULA thinking about: how to make products with longer service life, even when the users become adults or are adults.

The young team of PUPUPULA, they are excited about the reactions on new products getting from the market and endless possibilities about what they can design for their customers. It’s a new market targeting not specific for adults or kids, but balance the needs of adults and kids. The brand is 3 years old now, and they have a busy schedule this year for new product development and manufacture.

© — Riproduzione riservata. — Pubblicato il 16 giugno 2020

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