Event 2021


An installation exploring unexpected topologies of living.

Geometries, colors, and mood boards create surprising connections between shapes and furnishings. Agape12 amplifies the dialogue between the brand partners that share its space, opening new horizons in design.

Agape12 is a one-of-a-kind space. It is a showroom for some of the most interesting brands on the contemporary design scene, but also a workshop for design itself. Architect Camilla Benedini is the space’s artistic director, while operational management is handled by Zenucchi design code.

For Milan Design Week 2021, the showroom - located at 12 Via Statuto in Milan - will host the installation “Mesh Topology.” The project explores the unexpected topologies of living, amplifying the possible interactions among Agape12’s partner companies taking part in the exhibition: its 850 square meters of space unfold as environments waiting to be explored, reminiscent of life-sized mood boards. Color fields on the walls are punctuated with inserts of different materials, displayed like paintings, offering ideas and inspiration. Free diagonals and symbols allude to connections and relations among forms, materials, and furnishings. Along with the mood boards, they all come together to offer new interpretations of the contemporary domestic landscape.

Each partner’s contributions become elements in a rich, variegated, and unified collective design. “Mesh Topology” is the story told by the diverse visions on display at Agape12. This single showroom offers possibilities for every aspect of living space design, from interior finishes to lighting and accessories, and its new layout reaffirms the shared design philosophy of the space and its partner brands.

Gypsum showcases Minimum's three-dimensional concrete tiles, Mosaic+ its highly original Dada-inspired Cut-Up wall tiles. Key Cucine presents Strip, a new theatrical concept of kitchen design by the designer Nevio Tellatin, and CP Parquet offersthe iCanneti collection of boiserie. Antrax IT presents Waffle, the first radiator designed for the company by Piero Lissoni, and Effe presents BodyLove, a new combination sauna, steam room and shower system, designed by Rodolfo Dordoni and Michele Angelini.

The showroom’s display window offers a preview of the styles on display inside, featuring several products new to Agape. The Evo21 modular system designed by Benedini Associati and the new Vitruvio mirror collection by Garcia Cumini are flanked by two iconic pieces: the SpoonXL bathtub, designed by Benedini Associati, and two washbasins Bjhon 2, by Angelo Mangiarotti. Both are now made in an all-new material: Pietranova, a sustainable concrete conglomerate developed by Grassi Pietre, a new entry in Agape12’s catalog of official partners.

Agape12 has two technical partners for Milan Design Week 2021: Midgard, a historic German light design brand with ties to the Bauhaus that presents the iconic AYNO lamp, and @Aroma, a Tokyo-based brand specializing in olfactory architecture and sensory interior design that incorporates 100% natural essential fragrances into its work.

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4-10 September 2021

Sito Web: www.agape12.it

Email: press@agape12.it

Entry rules

Access by reservation and pre-registration / egistration. Mask and Green Pass or swab required.

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