Event 2021

HAPPY TRAILS by Bret Roberts

Crowds and colours

9 th September, from 6 pm, will take place the official event of Bret Roberts’ expositionHappy Trails. This event also officially kicks off the inauguration of the Epipla Basement’s showroom activity, as Epipla has completed their new exhibition space near the Duomo.

Bret’s parents wished him Happy Trails as they sent him back to Milano for his first solo exhibition in Italia. For one year at his place in Alaska, during quarantine, Bret never stopped painting, ispired by his travels in Italy just before the covid outbreak. Many of his pieces realized in this period bring us back to the moments when crowds were a place of sharing and not a risk. The repetitive action, almost meditative painting of people is a characterizing element of the works.

The Artist’s works are inspired by his travels: in early 2020, Bret made a music album with Nello Petrucci /Satyr MB Productions in Pompeii, time that has inspired his largest work “Pompeii: Love your Neighbor”, celebrating shining colors of the Amalfi Coast. “The Ballad of Pedro and Maria” takes us into a Mexican honky-tonk Old-west atmosphere-blended with colors and vibes of the rustic night life in Chiapas, Mexico.

In these places and many more it will soon be possible to travel again. A person can learn so much by visiting other cultures.

This preview exhibition is walk down the Happy Trail of free movement and the pieces create a visual rythm and flow that guides the spectator’s eye through a color whirlpool, enveloping and intense perfume typical of oil painting.



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Bret Roberts, Prima di Casablanca, 2021, olio su tela

My humans’ landscapes make the works vibrate.

Bret Roberts

Entry rules

Free entry, green pass mandatory - Respecting COVID-19 safety measures: wearing a mask is mandatory. During the visit it’s important to maintain social distance.

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