Fuori Salone touch.point
The news of design right in the heart of Murgia.
An unprecedented initiative for the South of Italy, offering to the professionals from Puglia and Basilicata, to private customers, to curious people and to massive fans of Fuorisalone of Milan, the possibility to experience first hand some of the news of the Italian design.
“The secret is keeping on imagining future”
Renee Quartarella
Marketing & communication chief
The Milan Exhibition is one of the most important showcases worldwide for design and lifestyle, but there are still many uncertainties about big events due to the health crisis.
Quartarella responds with an exclusive customer journey in a 3,000 square metres exhibition space, where it is possible to recover the deep feedback of contact, thanks to the physical and emotional experience provided by the object.
With Fuori Salone touch.point, Quartarella takes the concept of the event on the prestigious international portal of Fuorisalone and increases its value thanks to the important contribution of five top brands such as Antoniolupi, Ceramica Flaminia, Gervasoni, Paola Paronetto and Pratic, former partners of the company, that have welcomed and shared the spirit of this initiative.
Quartarella, proud witness of the Italian aesthetic taste and style in the field of bathroom furniture and building finishes, has promoted reflections and exchange of ideas about living well-being for more than seventy years, moderating them with a careful attention to the know-how of the professional net in which they operate and of the increased interest in the culture of architecture and design.

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Altamura (BA) - Italy
Via Matera Km 2,980
+39 080.3165211
Quartarella represents a significant exhibition reality, an expression of excellence in the retail sector of intimate living and living well-being of the Apulian and Lucanian territories.