Event 2022 Digital event

Swedish Design Movement — Leading the way

The virtual exhibition, “Swedish Design Movement — Leading the way”, invites visitors to experience the work of leading, sustainable Swedish innovators in design, architecture, and fashion.
Digital event

Experience design from a whole new perspective! Premiering at Milan Design Week, 7 June 2022, the virtual exhibition, “Swedish Design Movement — Leading the way”, invites visitors to experience the work of leading, sustainable Swedish innovators in design, architecture, and fashion. The exhibition is organised by Svensk Form and the Swedish Institute through the Swedish government initiative Swedish Design Movement and is produced and designed by digital design store and gallery ADORNO. With one click, encounter a selection of inventive Swedish design within the renowned Sara kulturhus from wherever you are. No hassle with transportation, travels, or long lines.

You navigate around a hyper-realistic digital version of Sara kulturhus, one of the world's tallest timber structures. This multifunctional, 20-storey building, created by White Arkitekter, has been constructed from wood from the forests surrounding Skellefteå in northern Sweden. The exhibition features projects exhibited as material-true 3D models by eighteen sustainability-driven Swedish companies working in furniture, product design, fashion, and architecture and also includes a selection of films. Inside the virtual experience, click your way through images, texts, and videos to learn more about the presented products and companies and the path towards a more sustainable future.

Walk up the grand staircase past design pieces by companies including David design, Fogia, Reform Design Lab, and VERK. Continue through the main hall around unique fashion pieces by A NEW SWEDEN, Atacac, maxjenny! and Swedish Stockings. And towards a setting of architectural projects by companies including Claesson Koivisto Rune Architects, Kjellander Sjöberg, Tham/Videgård, White Arkitekter, and Wingårdhs. In the cinema, visitors can delve even deeper into seven design- and sustainability-driven companies through a series of inspiring videos created by Note Design Studio and filmmaker Carl Engberg.

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