"From stone quarries to sustainable design"
From quarries to Sustainable Design
Into the next Milan Design Week, the Viscio company will present its "eco-sustainable" artifacts made of fine reconstituted Madrepietra, a material obtained by grinding Apricena stone scraps. The company, which has been operating for more than 30 years in the Street Furniture sector, is located right in the municipality of Apricena, a small town in the province of Foggia, known for being the first marble basin in southern Italy, as well as the second in Italy after Carrara, for its Madrepietra quarries.
From the considerable quarrying work in the aforementioned area comes a huge amount of waste material, appropriately destined for the crushers, which makes up more than 70 percent of the mixture (with only water and cement added) for the production of a reconstituted stone product by the Viscio company.
Reconstituted stone, unlike natural stone, has lower costs, is much more versatile, equally durable and with the ability to be restored in case of brittle breakage or as a result of vandalism.
A recycled material, recovered at km 0, environmentally sustainable and environmentally friendly, fully compliant with CAM criteria, perfect for the realization of artifacts for Urban Desgin, such as benches, litter bins, bollards.
An installation at GUD's spaces in Citylife will display a selection of reconstituted Madrepietra artifacts, some made in collaboration with the Favaro1 company, including the new literary/advertising benches made for the well-known fashion designer Alviero Martini to promote the new ALV Andare Lontano Viaggiando line. Other important partnership is the architectural magazine Paysage|Topscape.
The installation will be present from April 18 to 23 c/o GUD Citylife. The official presentation, which will be attended by the designer himself and designers collaborating with Viscio and Favaro1 companies, will be held on April 19 from 5:30 pm.
The event is realized in collaboration with GUD Citylife, which is hosting the installation in its spaces; with fashion designer Alviero Martini, who designed the advertising benches to promote the ALV Andare Lontano Viaggiando line; with the Favaro1 company, which granted the inclusion of some of its reconstituted Madrepietra furnishings; with famous architectural magazine Paysage|Topscape; and with the designers involved Alessandro Canepa, M. Tiziana Di Sipio, Sara Priore and Ivano Fiamma.
Special thanks to Samuele Romano for photo credits.
ALV by Alviero Martini GUD City Life Favaro1 Paysage Canepa Design Architetture Di Sipio SBG Architetti
Exhibition - Outdoor furniture in reconstituted stone and new line of advertising benches ALV by Alviero Martini
Exhibition - Outdoor furniture in reconstituted stone and new line of advertising benches ALV by Alviero Martini
Exhibition - Opening outdoor furniture in reconstituted stone and new line of advertising benches ALV by Alviero Martini. The stylist Alviero Martini and designers will be present at the event.
Exhibition - Outdoor furniture in reconstituted stone and new line of advertising benches ALV by Alviero Martini
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Exhibition - Outdoor furniture in reconstituted stone and new line of advertising benches ALV by Alviero Martini
Exhibition - Outdoor furniture in reconstituted stone and new line of advertising benches ALV by Alviero Martini
Exhibition - Outdoor furniture in reconstituted stone and new line of advertising benches ALV by Alviero Martini