Event 2023

Book presentation "Le città dell'universo"

Presentation of the book "The cities of the universe" published by Il Saggiatore and exhibition of etchings of drawings from the book

Le città dell’universo reveals for the first time how we will live in space and what shape our lives will take in a more sustainable and inclusive extraterrestrial dimension.

Annalisa Dominoni and Benedetto Quaquaro, creators and professors at the Politecnico di Milano of the world's first and only Space Design course supported by the European Space Agency (Esa), take us into the homes of today's astronauts to project us into those we will inhabit tomorrow on other galaxies: from the International Space Station to the first settlements on the Moon, from space tourism to plans for living on Mars and beyond.

In these pages, it will be possible to discover how the issues of habitability and well-being in space have been addressed, what are the most surprising differences of living environments in reduced gravity, how our daily lives will change in the future, what alterations our bodies will undergo by responding to physical laws different from those on Earth, how science fiction has anticipated scenarios that have since come true. The book sketches a future "Interplanetary Renaissance" through new tools and visual languages that guide the transition process to other planets in which the role of design capable of bridging science and beauty also emerges in space. Where technology and aesthetics will be able to coexist.

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