Event 2023


FUTURE IMPACT Six Designers from Singapore reveal their vision for a better Tomorrow curated by Tony Chambers and Maria Cristina Didero
Special Mention Fuorisalone Award

FUTURE IMPACT invites six among the most renowned designers from Singapore to engage with their creativity and to answer to questions of our era: what kind of impact will new technologies have, including acceleration tools such as AI? In what way will the designer profession and the production companies change? And, more importantly, what impact will they have in general on society? How will we face the problems caused by climate change, from production to food, the aging of populations, the density of cities and the loss of biodiversity? FUTURE IMPACT is a laboratory of innovation, a platform for young talents, inventors of revolutionary design solutions with the objective of building a better future. On stage designer and their projects: Forest & Whale - Wallflower; Nathan Yong - Bended Onyx; Tiffany Loy - Intertwined Futures; Textile and Technology; Gabriel Tan - The Carnation Lamp; Viewport Studio - Essential Collection 2; Studio Juju - OO Collection.  

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10:00 - 19:00
Exhibition - FUTURE IMPACT invites six among the most renowned designers from Singapore to engage with their creativity and to answer to questions of our era: what kind of impact will new technologies have, including acceleration tools such as AI?
19/4 Saturday
10:00 - 19:00
Exhibition - FUTURE IMPACT invites six among the most renowned designers from Singapore to engage with their creativity and to answer to questions of our era: what kind of impact will new technologies have, including acceleration tools such as AI?
20/4 Sunday
10:00 - 19:00
Exhibition - FUTURE IMPACT invites six among the most renowned designers from Singapore to engage with their creativity and to answer to questions of our era: what kind of impact will new technologies have, including acceleration tools such as AI?
21/4 Monday
10:00 - 19:00
Exhibition - FUTURE IMPACT invites six among the most renowned designers from Singapore to engage with their creativity and to answer to questions of our era: what kind of impact will new technologies have, including acceleration tools such as AI?
22/4 Tuesday
10:00 - 19:00
Exhibition - FUTURE IMPACT invites six among the most renowned designers from Singapore to engage with their creativity and to answer to questions of our era: what kind of impact will new technologies have, including acceleration tools such as AI?
23/4 Wednesday
10:00 - 19:00
Exhibition - FUTURE IMPACT invites six among the most renowned designers from Singapore to engage with their creativity and to answer to questions of our era: what kind of impact will new technologies have, including acceleration tools such as AI?
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of the event