Event 2024


The Wellbeing
15-19 April 2024

The event belongs to
Brera Design District 2024

MORE designs and realises customized and efficient solutions for living wellbeing with the aim of improving the quality of life of those who live spaces through functional and aesthetic choices, designing living and working places, both collective and private, inspired by the new concept of wellbeing that the company aims to portray.

MORE creates systems studied ad hoc on the needs of those who live in a certain space, integrated systems that make it possible to manage, control and optimise the three variables, indices of wellbeing in environments, such as temperature, humidity and air quality. An operating unit of R.B.M. S.p.A., a leading Brescian company in the hydrothermal sector, MORE has chosen to study and imitate Nature: it relies on radiant solutions and the natural, gentle convective motions of air, uses innovative hygrometric systems to control humidity, and also proposes air purification and filtering systems. MORE’s systems are designed to disappear, making all technological infrastructures run under track, hidden, invisible. They are silent, designed to eliminate even the slightest background noise. As the company writes: ‘Our job is to design the invisible. We are wellbeing designers’.

MORE has opened a showroom in Milan, at Via Solferino 15, designed by Marco Carini: a true experiential path where you can interact directly with MORE systems and experience them on your skin. A journey that allows architects to better understand the operation and merits of MORE systems and to directly appreciate their many possible applications.

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15-19 April 2024

Sito Web: https://www.rbmmore.com/it

Email: info@rbmmore.com


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10:00 - 18:00
Press preview
Registration at the entrance
16/4 Tuesday
10:00 - 18:00
Registration at the entrance
19:00 - 22:00
Party / cocktail
Only by invitation
17/4 Wednesday
10:00 - 18:00
Registration at the entrance
18/4 Thursday
10:00 - 18:00
Registration at the entrance
19/4 Friday
10:00 - 18:00
Registration at the entrance
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