Event 2024

The Pulse of Every Kitchen

The experience will immerse visitors in a contemporary dream in which to reflect, through a visionary dimension of pastel colors, on the kitchen as the most social room in the home.

Through The Pulse of Every Kitchen, Miele engages in dialogue with those who wish to place sustainability at the center of their vision, connectivity and technology at the service of human values, and living environment at the heart of an ever-evolving but always true to themselves story.

The experience will immerse visitors in a contemporary dream in which to reflect, through a visionary dimension of pastel colors, on the kitchen as the most social room in the home. The kitchen changing over time, how it has transformed over the years and how it still remains the social center of the home. In this ecosystem, the appliance becomes the pulse of every kitchen.

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15/4 Monday
10:00 - 19:00
Exhibition - Through The Pulse of Every Kitchen, Miele dialogues with those who wish to put sustainability at the center of their vision, connectivity and technology at the service of human values. The kitchen becomes the beating heart of a 125-year history, constantl
Registration at the entrance
16/4 Tuesday
10:00 - 19:00
Exhibition - Through The Pulse of Every Kitchen, Miele dialogues with those who wish to put sustainability at the center of their vision, connectivity and technology at the service of human values. The kitchen becomes the beating heart of a 125-year history, constantl
Registration at the entrance
17/4 Wednesday
10:00 - 19:00
Exhibition - Through The Pulse of Every Kitchen, Miele dialogues with those who wish to put sustainability at the center of their vision, connectivity and technology at the service of human values. The kitchen becomes the beating heart of a 125-year history, constantl
Registration at the entrance
18/4 Thursday
10:00 - 19:00
Exhibition - Through The Pulse of Every Kitchen, Miele dialogues with those who wish to put sustainability at the center of their vision, connectivity and technology at the service of human values. The kitchen becomes the beating heart of a 125-year history, constantl
Registration at the entrance
19/4 Friday
10:00 - 19:00
Exhibition - Through The Pulse of Every Kitchen, Miele dialogues with those who wish to put sustainability at the center of their vision, connectivity and technology at the service of human values. The kitchen becomes the beating heart of a 125-year history, constantl
Registration at the entrance
20/4 Saturday
10:00 - 19:00
Exhibition - Through The Pulse of Every Kitchen, Miele dialogues with those who wish to put sustainability at the center of their vision, connectivity and technology at the service of human values. The kitchen becomes the beating heart of a 125-year history, constantl
Registration at the entrance
21/4 Sunday
10:00 - 19:00
Exhibition - Through The Pulse of Every Kitchen, Miele dialogues with those who wish to put sustainability at the center of their vision, connectivity and technology at the service of human values. The kitchen becomes the beating heart of a 125-year history, constantl
Registration at the entrance
22/4 Monday
23/4 Tuesday
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26/4 Friday
27/4 Saturday
28/4 Sunday
29/4 Monday
30/4 Tuesday
31/4 Wednesday
of the event