Event 2024

Materials and design: it's about chemistry, too

The event is part of a series of meetings and experiences dedicated to sustainability, resource management, and the role of chemistry in the circular economy entitled "tomorrow calling"

Launched at the end of 2023 with a first meeting focused on the food of the future, tomorrow calling continues with momentum. "Materials and design: it's a question of chemistry, too" is the title of the second event, organized at One Works architecture studio on April 19th at 6 p.m., as part of the Fuorisalone events.

This meeting is dedicated to design and furniture supply chain. It explores how materials research and development are redefining the material landscape, inspiring innovative approaches and helping to shape future needs. It focuses on the essential relationships between material and creativity. It positions materials study and development as an impulse that expands the boundaries of aesthetics, influencing the functionality and sustainability of the objects surrounding us.

Participants on this electrifying journey are accompanied by Chiara Alessi, expert in design and industrial history and Lorenzo Bottinelli, CEO of BASF Italia.

Tomorrow Calling keeps inviting us to explore and reflect. It underlines the importance of collaboration between those called upon to work for the future we all want and the role played by science.
As are awareness and commitment to define the scenarios of our tomorrow. 

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- Private event, by invitation only. For any information: italia.info@basf.com 

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Workshop - Workshop focus on material development and design
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