Itinerary 2024

ID.Exe by DOS 2024

The city and major events in a world where social life is also virtual. Design and digital become engines of urban progress and new ways of making space. 'Shaped by Design' explores the impact of design in different areas of everyday life. This initiative aims to demonstrate how design is not just a matter of aesthetics, but an essential driver for innovation and improvement in crucial areas such as health, food, technology, mobility, education, finance and sport.

Through a selection of projects, prototypes, and interactive installations, 'Shaped by Design' aims to offer visitors a holistic view of the influence of design and how it can redefine the way we relate to everyday life.

The event will not only be an exhibition, but also a platform for dialogue and learning, with workshops, lectures and meetings allowing the public to interact directly with designers and experts from each sector.

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Suburbs Shaped by Design: Design Periferico

Public Space Shaped by Design: OasiSquare

Retail Shaped by Design: Phygital Store

Society Shaped by Design: DesignSociety