All the Feels, within an Evolving Landscape
Temporary site-specific public installation and exhibition, in the heart of Portanuova, during Milano Art Week and Milano Design Week. A project by Ramak Fazel for Volvo Studio Milano curated by Viasaterna in collaboration with Fondazione Istituto dei Ciechi di Milano Onlus and Portanuova.
Ramak Fazel turns his gaze once again to the city of Milan, fifteen years after the archive work Milan Unit (1994–2009), with a multidisciplinary artistic project for Volvo Studio Milano. The project includes an exhibition and an exploration of the Portanuova skyline, including tactile experiences, through landscape viewers and scale models, placed in piazza Alvar Aalto. The public will be invited to reinterpret and experience a portion of the city in a participatory way.
Exhibition - Site-specific installation and exhibition by Ramak Fazel
Exhibition - Site-specific installation and exhibition by Ramak Fazel
Exhibition - Site-specific installation and exhibition by Ramak Fazel
Exhibition - Site-specific installation and exhibition by Ramak Fazel
Exhibition - Site-specific installation and exhibition by Ramak Fazel
Exhibition - Site-specific installation and exhibition by Ramak Fazel
Exhibition - Site-specific installation and exhibition by Ramak Fazel