Brands Domal
It begins with Dom as domus, precisely home, and ends with Al as aluminium.
It is the Domal brand.
We have been at the side of our Italian customers for over 40 years. Our vocation is to promote aluminum windows and doors for buildings in line with our current and future way of life.
In short, with windows that are increasingly comfortable, efficient and sustainable.
We use all our energies to pursue a constant search for excellence, in which the ability to innovate is the distinctive element of the Company.
Purchasing a Domal product represents a choice of value in terms of brightness, infinite range of colours, high acoustic and thermal comfort, energy saving, resistance and durability over time.
Owned by the Hydro Group, the extrusion plant is located in Atessa (CH) and manages almost all of our range of aluminum profiles.
An important added value of the plant is the certainty of the alloy and the quality of the final product.
The presence of an internal foundry makes it possible to use recycled aluminum with obvious benefits also in terms of eco-sustainability.
The painting plant of Aielli (AQ) represents another excellence of the Domal brand.
Latest generation plant, chrome free, with three fully automatic painting booths in parallel, with a production capacity of 60 tons for 60 color changes per day and the possibility of painting up to Class 3.
All materials are subjected to accurate checks in compliance with the Qualicoat, Qualideco, Qualanod and Seaside product specifications established by Qualital (Institute for Industrial Aluminum Certification).
In 2020, the Atessa production site also obtained the important ASI (aluminum stewardship initiative) Performance Standard certification, an independent certification scheme that covers the entire aluminum value chain to address the challenges of sustainability from an environmental point of view , social and governance.
Spazio Domal
Viale Biancamaria 2
20129 Milano