The BAV TAiLOR ŚAKTI SPHERE, is an experiential sanctuary space of lagom slow-living home essentials infused with holistic experiences, uniquely self-embodied by Bav through her mystical path towards self-mastery.
Explore immersive sessions crafted to nourish the mind, body, and spirit whilst being surrounded in a concept boutique presenting art, homeware essentials and soulful design objects of carefully curated conscious International Artists and Material Suppliers through unique Artisanal Lab collaborations that share the same philosophy of respect as Bav - the aim - to shed light onto their sublime craft and flow towards abundant expansion.

Welcome to the BAV TAiLOR ŚAKTI SPHERE - a sacred sphere for self-discovery and energy renewal

graciously hosted by CASA COVINI - an oasis in the midst of the city.


respect your body + your sphere


via Altaguardia 2

20135, Milano

(metro yellow - Porta Romana)

United Kingdom