Zegna Baruffa Lane Borgosesia was born more than 150 years ago, on January 30, 1850, from a revolutionary idea of the Antongini brothers, themselves a revolutionary family who had become one of the architects of the unification of Italy.
Zegna Baruffa Lane Borgosesia was also one of the first companies to be established as a corporation exactly 150 years ago, in March 1873, becoming one of the first in modern industry just a few years after the unification of Italy.
The intuition of the Antongini brothers to install a spinning mill in our lands, attracting labor from different countries, was later continued and developed consistently by Giuseppe Magni, who not only boosted the company's activity, but installed a real welfare system for the workers (more than 1,000 at the time), with hospitality facilities, hospitals, infirmaries with x-rays, schools and boarding schools, an internal railway and even firemen and a band inside the factory - a real city within the city of Borgosesia.
Our mission is summed up in our corporate claim "Spinning Trends since 1850":
to offer the best 100% merino wool yarn, pure or blended with noble fibers such as cashmere or silk, for high quality knitters and high and premium fashion signatures, thanks to a savoir faire and experience that is more than a hundred years old and linked to our territory, but constantly projected to new fashion trends and consumer needs.
It follows that our concept of innovation in textiles means anticipating trends: both in terms of style and color (we develop about 35,000 different colors each year), and in terms of the performance and use of our yarns.
Our competitive advantages: being able to offer the highest quality in terms of yarn performance and color variety, with a strongly customer-focused and in many cases personalized service, backed by an expertise and reputation more than a hundred years old and constantly future-oriented.
Among the cornerstones of our mission are people and territory:
Zegna Baruffa Lane Borgosesia is one of the few textile companies that has maintained its production facilities in Italy, and specifically in our territory. Even in times of crisis, the company has chosen not to decentralize its production and to keep its facilities and resources in the Biellese and Valsesia areas: this choice is consistent with the spirit of innovative welfare established by the founders and allows us to pass on from generation to generation the expertise and savoir-faire that are the basis of our reputation in the world.
Zegna Baruffa Lane Borgosesia is one of the few spinning companies fully veritcalised with an entire production cycle, from fibre to yarn, and including dyeing . The expertise and control of all processing stages allow us not only to offer a high-quality products but also to be flexible to adapt to customer needs . This ability is spread over all the company's 3 mills, which always start from the same raw material but are able to offer different and complementary products: worsted yarns in the Borgosesia mill, carded yarns in the Vigliano mill, and combed and very fine carded yarns in the Lessona mill.
Zegna Baruffa Lane Borgosesia was one of the first textile companies to put sustainability as a strategic priority, publishing its first sustainability report in 2018.
Pioneees of an ESG awareness that we developed through 4 key strategic pillars:
quality and innovation serving the environment; traceability of our supply chain; environmentally friendly operations; people and territory.Along these four axes we are developing our eco-friendly strategy, which translates into continuous efficiency in water consumption, CO2 emissions and waste production and recycling; it also translates into new solutions using certified dyes with particular sensitivity to the skin typical of cosmetic products; and into numerous other initiatives, both product and production process.
Via Milano 160, 13856 Vigliano Biellese (Biella)