Brands UNICA

Unique is for those who look at the things of the world with the amazement of the first time, for those who are not satisfied with what they have already seen, for white flies, for black sheep, for those who are still capable of unexpected emotions, for those who know how to listen to their own talent and is willing to fight for beauty, for those who believe in grace and know how to welcome the strength and fragility of their unique and unrepeatable being.

According to the theory of encounters, when two people come into contact for the first time, they do so with a certain part of the body that they already know and together they determine the meaning of that relationship.

Unica arises from the finding of two similar souls who first met their eyes and subsequently, giving one lucidity and courage to the intimate vocation of the other, merged into a common vision that, with love, pursues the splendor in the daily through the way of art.

Artistic creation in its most sublime declination should be able to translate aesthetic expression into subtle language, capable of communicating with the interior of the human being to the point of touching its most sensitive and profound chords.

Unica pursues the ideal of an art capable of combining aesthetic amazement, functionality and emotional well-being.

To obtain the results we have set for ourselves, each of our works draws inspiration and material from the natural elements and from the harmonious relationship that they establish with the whole that surrounds them.
Through collaboration with artists, designers, artisans, masters of light, poets and scholars of the intangible, we daily face a scrupulous research on form and materials with particular attention to their harmonic, symbolic and vital characteristics.

The ancient populations identified gold with the divinity that represented the sun and, as such, they considered it to be a harbinger of truth and the possibility of enlightenment.

In our works, through careful processes that blend the most ancient traditional skills with the most innovative techniques of processing precious materials, the sparkle of gold dust meets the transparencies of glass, the smooth reflectance of metals and the robust temper of wood. to best accommodate the light and then be able to return it to the environments in a dance of reflections that requires care and the possibility of emotion well beyond the immediacy of the visible.

According to the theory of encounters, when two people come into contact through the eyes, for what they represent, their finding will be the sprout of an attentive correspondence to the other, aimed at maintaining the hygiene of the eternal balance between intimacy of the deep and beauty of the day.

Via Bonazzi, 4

40013 Castel Maggiore (BO)

+39 051 700096
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