Paola Paronetto was born in Pordenone.

She began her ceramic training in Umbria and Tuscany, where she learned the main techniques of working with clay and developed her first connections with a world that immediately fascinated her.  Her artisan workmanship with its delicate modern flavour ranges from art and purely decorative objects of various kinds to everyday objects. This is how she began to create her artwork full of a strong personality expressed through very different materials, from porcelain to paper clay, from terre sigillate to raku.

After continuous personal research and experimentation with numerous ceramic techniques and materials, she focused on paper clay. In this way her "Cartocci" collection came to life, a rich series of sculptural objects made following lengthy and arduous procedures.  Unique pieces, that are exhibited in the finest shops and galleries in Italy and worldwide.  She collaborates with architects and designers in the realization of leading interior design projects.  The most prestigious magazines in the sector dedicate articles and interviews to her and her work has been published in a number of books on design and ceramics.

Via Prata 14/b
33080 Porcia - Pordenone 

Nation: Italy
Birth date: 04/06/1965
(59 years old)
+39 0434 578148
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