Cristina Ferrara

Cristina Ferrara Official e.Reporter


iPhone Xr

Five years ago, I left Sicily to study in Milan, a fixed milestone in everyone's life (or almost everyone's). In my home, there are no skyscrapers, nor do we live to the rhythm of fashion weeks. However, Palermo, as well as the entire Sicily, unveils itself through the beauty and magic of its details hidden everywhere, teaching us to have creative eyes, as my grandmother says. What one can see with creative eyes is difficult to explain in words and certainly cannot be fully understood. In the gallery of my phone, I currently store 22,796 photos and 3,508 videos: the world seen through my creative eyes. I wish that even those who haven't experienced it yet could see what I see and learn to find the beauty and the truth in certain things, even where, apparently, nothing seems noteworthy.

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