Yeni Tatiana Sartori

Yeni Tatiana Sartori Official e.Reporter


Reflex Canon EOS 1300D

Hi! I'm Yeni, I graduated in Communication Design at the Politecnico di Milano and I am currently continuing my studies at the Magistral. I live in Milan and have been attending Design Week events since I was a child. In recent years I have enjoyed this time of year more intensely, letting myself be carried away by the liveliness and multiplicity of this opportunity.

I am passionate about art and its different declinations. I am a curious person who likes to try my hand at many activities and always discover new things. I experience photography as a personal thing, which leads me to care a lot about the moment of the shot and what I photograph, but not individually, in fact I admire the connections that arise from simple things and moments of sharing.

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