A manifesto for the United Nations at Barcelona Design Week

Design — 17 October 2023

16-28 october


“Design for Human Future” is the manifesto that Barcelona Design Week 2023 will soon present to the United Nations: the 18th Sustainable Development Goal (SDG).

Barcelona Design Week presents  its 18th edition with a clear and ambitious mission: to introduce the 18th Sustainable Development Goal (SDG), titled "Design for Human Future". The objective of Barcelona Design Week 2023 is to foster a design culture increasingly aligned with sustainability values, with a firm commitment to raising awareness at an individual level and creating a virtuous circle on a global scale.


The 2023 program presents a diverse array of activities, exceeding 100 in number, covering a broad spectrum of creative expressions. From the interactive installation "Design for Human Future", aimed at bridging the gap between individual citizens and the SDG objectives, to the "Human/AI Challenge" exhibition, focused on the contemporary and intricate issue of the relationship between humanity and artificial intelligence. Additionally, numerous events are designed to facilitate discussions and debates, including conferences, round tables, networking events, and parties.

Barcelona Design Week 2023 aspires to be more than an event merely confined to its specific dates. The festival's purpose is to emerge as a genuine catalyst for change. Alessandro Manetti, the curator of BDW23, explains, "The ultimate goal of BDW'23 is to generate content beyond this edition, which we will edit and send to the United Nations."


The concluding event of Barcelona Design Week 2023 will serve as an occasion to unveil SDG No.18's manifesto, "Design for Human Future". This document aims to inspire and guide society toward a more humanized and sustainable futureIsabel Roig, the executive director of Barcelona Design Week, emphasizes, "If the role of design is to improve our world, it must address well-being, sustainability, innovation, gender equality, and more."

Among the most important innovations highlighted this year, Roig underscores the role played by the "Associated Venues". These spaces will host a portion of the main program, strategically designed to spread the festival throughout the city. This presents an opportunity for citizens to explore unique locations in Barcelona, including Galleria Roca Barcelona, Manyone Barcelona, CASA SEAT, Cosentino City Barcelona, IKEA Diagonal, La Masia HP Experience Design Center, Kave Home, and The Social Hub Barcelona Poblenou.

Tag: Design Week News

© — All rights reserved. — Published on 17 October 2023

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