Fuorisalone meets Simone Bonanni

— 30 May 2024

Originally fron the north-east, based in Milan after several years in Amsterdam in Marcel Wanders' studio, Simone Bonanni designs industrial products, creating first emotional and then physical relationships with those who use them: for him the communicative power of objects lies in being "activators of emotions".

Simone Bonanni

Describe what you do:
I design the meaning of the next industrial and artisanal products and define their aesthetics.

Where do you live and where is your studio?
I live in Milan in the Brenta area and the studio is just outside, in the Porto di Mare area.

What are you designing today?
A collection of limited edition carbon pool cues.

If you could build a secret passage in your house, where would it lead?
I'm thinking of the nearest seaside town. Probably somewhere in Liguria.

The first place in Milan where you would take someone who has never been in town:
Drinking a Sbagliato at Jamaica and eating yellow rice at the La Libera restaurant in the Brera district.

Bungee jumping from the Duomo or diving in the Naviglio?
I think the first one is less dangerous :)



What was the very first thing you designed in life?
It dates back to my university days. It was a "lamp - pop corn maker" in which I wanted to replace the classic incandescent filament heat source with an infrared light bulb.

Something you have at home that you designed yourself:
The Hana chair and the Obon terracotta tables designed for Moooi and the Siena chair by MDF Italia.

The thing to never say or ask a designer:
“Come on, you're good at it, it won't take long.”

Your masterpiece in the kitchen:
Spaghetti "in white" (but done to perfection). To try.




Tag: meets People Milan Design designer design industriale

© — All rights reserved. — Published on 30 May 2024

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