The Salone del Mobile 2021 will be a "supersalone"

Tips, Appointments — 26 May 2021

"An extraordinarily different event, fit for a unique historical period where leaders will find the strongest inspirations to demonstrate their leadership"

After the confirmation long-awaited by insiders, companies and design enthusiasts, during the press conference in the Garden of La Triennale di Milano all the details of Salone del Mobile 2021, which will be held from September 5 to 10 in the spaces of Fiera Milano Rho, have been revealed.

It will be a different edition from the ones we are used to and it will be called "supersalone", a new format conceived by architect Stefano Boeri and an international team of co-designers: Andrea Caputo, Maria Cristina Didero, Anniina Koivu, Lukas Wegwerth and Marco Ferrari and Elisa Pasqual from Studio Folder, who created the brand identity of the project. The Triennale di Milano will represent for "supersalone" the point of contact with the city, and will do so through cultural proposals and new projects that will enrich the Fuorisalone schedule.


As already anticipated, the 2021 edition will be open to the public for the whole duration of the exhibition and not only during the weekend, as in the past. Another news: there will be the possibility to buy the exposed products.

""supersalone" is the result of the generosity and creativity of companies and professionals of Design in a very delicate moment of recovery and relaunch of economy and culture," said Stefano Boeri. "For the first time, the Salone del Mobile.Milano will be open for its entire duration to the general public of consumers, offering them the opportunity to choose and purchase the best products of international design. Thanks to the choral effort of thousands of manufacturers, operators, retailers, technicians, workers, designers and enthusiasts, for six days the Fiera di Rho will once again become the epicenter of international design."

Read also: Fuorisalone is ready to make a big comeback

The exhibition format will break the paradigm of the classic layout divided into stands and will provide vertical walls, grouped into product categories, which will allow companies to show and tell their products in a new way. The watchword is reuse: all the materials and components used for the exhibition have been designed to be disassembled and subsequently reused. Moreover, at the East Gate entrance of the Fair, thanks to the Forestami project, a green reception area will be created with 200 trees that, at the end of the six-day event, will be planted in the Milan metropolitan area.

In addition. there will be arenas for sharing and in-depth talks, lounges reserved for commercial and business meetings, areas dedicated to young people from design schools and the exhibition - organized by ADI - of chairs awarded with the Compasso d'Oro, food courts designed and created in collaboration with Identità Golose - The International Chef Congress, social and relaxation areas. The exhibition will be accompanied by a digital platform that will host the news of the fair and will be the "sounding board" of the event, in streaming, for those who can not physically participate.


"Accepting the challenge of organizing a special event, a "supersalone," in such a difficult and complicated year, is a tangible sign of how much our entrepreneurs and the Federation have plucked up their courage to bring, once again, the design community, national and international buyers, the media and even the general public to Rho Fiera, to participate in an event that has no equal in the world and that only the city of Milan is able to host," said Claudio Feltrin, president of FederlegnoArredo. "An extraordinarily different event, suitable for a unique historical period where leaders find the strongest stimuli to demonstrate their leadership. We could have given up, but this is not part of the DNA of our companies. Any other initiative would have been just a bad copy and it was our duty to defend a success story that has led the wood-furnishing supply chain, with all its companies, to be one of the undisputed flags of Made in Italy in the world: a unicum made of professionalism, farsightedness and, I would say, sartorial ability to think and imagine spaces and furnishings".

Tag: Salone del Mobile Milan

© — All rights reserved. — Published on 26 May 2021

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