New roles and functions of fashion and creative industries
From 18/06 AT 11:00


New roles and functions of fashion and creative industries

June 18, 11:00 a.m., "IULM. Learning the Future - New roles for fashion and creative industries": IULM University - a centre of excellence in the fields of Communication, Languages, Tourism and the Enhancement of Cultural Heritage - makes its expertise in the field of creative industries and fashion available to the vast public at Milano Design Week; expertise that has been consolidated thanks to the new Bachelor's Degree Course in Fashion and Creative Industries, beginning in the academic year 2020/21. What is the future of the sector? How important is training and what skills are required for young people who want to undertake a professional career in this world? Which new professional profiles will be increasingly in demand? These are the questions at the heart of the conference, which will be answered by experts and professionals of international standing and prestige in the sector. Program • Institutional greetings: Professor Gianni Canova, Rector University IULM • Introduction: Professor Vincenzo Trione, Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Tourism, IULM University. • Moderator: Professor Mauro Ferraresi - IULM University Research and Education: • Prof. Barbara A. Pino Ahumada - Director MODUS Fashion System Observatory - UDP Diego Portales University (Chile) • Prof. Chawchen Ting - BIFT Beijing Institute of Fashion Technology - Director of New media Department (China) • Prof. sa Koshalpreet Kaur - School of Fashion and Design- G.D.Goenka University - New Dheli (India) • Prof. Paula Cristina Visona - School Creative Industries - Unisinos University (Brazil) International Creative Industries: • Claudio Maffioletti - Secretary General at Indo-Italian Chamber of Commerce (India) • Davide Fantoni - Secretary General - The Italian Chamber of Commerce (Japan) • Angelo Gobbo - Secretary General - The Italian Chamber of Commerce Colombia (Colombia)



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