The office
Me and the interference
From 10/04 AT 00:00

The office

Me and the interference

The pandemic is radically transforming our working habits. In fact, smart working is turning some rooms into an office. For many people, the office is the space in which private life and work tend to blur and often collide. Both spheres experience some interferences: small intrusions by other people in the house, uncomfortable work requests during family time. Because of the demands for work and leisure, the relationship between parents and their children can be highly tense.  Good space management, a few rules to respect and a pinch of patience are the recipe for making work not only smart, but fun as well. The office, as Bruno Munari's "Abitacolo" reminds us, can be a functional place for both recreational and more serious activities. The design of spaces becomes crucial and we must not be afraid to adjust our rooms, giving them new functions and – why not – new meanings. Gian Paolo Lazzer of Strategy Innovation and Lara Facchinetti, HR Manager at Zamperla help us to discover fun-working.  

Production year:



Gian Paolo Lazzer, Chief Culture Specialist | Strategy Innovation
Lara Facchinetti, HR Manager | Zamperla
Video e montaggio: Nest Collective
(eng_Video & editing: Nest Collective)

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