Wall printers, do you know what they can do? Come and find out
We will change the way you look at walls, forever.
What is the boundary between creative art and technology at the service of the community? We have become accustomed to machines performing manual tasks on a daily basis. Think of self-service checkouts, automatic petrol stations, etc. We are no longer surprised to find no real person behind a till or dispenser. We are no longer surprised not to find a real person behind a till or a dispenser, right?
Can a robot paint in a personalised and creative way?
Creativity, on the other hand, has always been a human domain, somewhat outside the intrusion of modern machines. The basic idea is that robots can do mechanical and repetitive tasks even more accurately and efficiently than humans, but that they cannot imitate their creative genius. What if we told you that even this dogma is about to fall and that you can see it with your own eyes at the Fuori Salone in Milan 2021? Come and visit the Copygraf Wallprint pavilion.
On our walls we open a window on the future
On the one hand the pictorial art of Maestro Milo, on the other the avant-garde technology of a robotic painter able not only to reproduce the works created but to interpret them in a "personal" way. Are you wondering where art and technology meet to open a window on a promising and fascinating future like the one just described? Don't miss the Fuori Salone in Milan 2021. You will be able to witness in person this brushstroke "challenge". We have quoted the word "challenge" because neither will succumb in this surprising demonstration. On the contrary, the experiment is a demonstration of how creative flair and technology can coexist side by side.
Our vertical printer will show you how it is possible to print on all kinds of surfaces and materials.
Vertical printing meets art at Fuori Salone in Milan
Just think for a moment about the potential of such technology for art. Anyone will be able to own pictorial elements in numbered, limited and certified runs; thanks to vertical wall printing it is possible to embellish and personalise any location, whether private or professional.
Also this year the Fuori Salone in Milan will be the place where the most interesting novelties of the world of technology and not only can be touched and previewed. Copygraf Wallprint, pioneer in Italy in the creation of a network of vertical printing partners, could not miss this event. Don't miss it either: the future is already here and awaits you at Fuori Salone 2021 in Milan. We will be there, and you? A constantly growing trend, more and more requested by interior and outdoor design professionals. Why?
Fashionable colours, wallpaper, the usual pictures: these are universal solutions that universal solutions that crowd the homes of "everyone", making them one among many. CopygrafWallprint was born to offer you an alternative: DISTINGUISH. The long-term vertical wall printer rental service is offered for professionals who want to stand out from the crowd. for professionals who want to stand out from the crowd, anticipating the graphic trend of trend of 2021. Why? To impress their customers, of course!
The uniqueness of wall printing in 5 points:
- VERSATILE: Printing on walls is designed for Decorators, Interior Designers, Graphic Designers, Artists, Interior Design Studios, Renovation Companies. - PRACTICAL: UV curing allows your design to dry immediately in high definition. It will be immediately smudge and rub-proof. Goodbye tape, glue, drips. Goodbye disasters. - UNIVERSAL: Wall printing is designed for all environments: Hospitals, shops, companies, private offices, your own home, indoor & outdoor and all surfaces: wood, glass, wallpaper, masonry, iron, ceramics, tiles. - SIMPLE and FAST: the highest quality in a short time. Its weight, less than 100 kg, disappears thanks to the simple disassembly and installation of the components. - GUARANTEED: we are so sure of our quality that we offer a ten-year guarantee on the result obtained.
00:02:24Production year:
Lorenzo Gianni