Brand Róng Design Library

Róng Design Library, established by PINWU Design Studio in 2015 in Yuhang, Hangzhou, China, is a non-profit organization dedicated to the preservation and promotion of traditional Chinese handicrafts and materials. As the first library of its kind in China, its core mission is to safeguard the intricate knowledge of Chinese traditional crafts and their associated materials. Moreover, it serves as an innovative platform for deconstructing traditional crafts, analyzing materials, and fostering contemporary design.
The library actively engages the public and creative communities through initiatives such as the Róng Design Exhibition and the Guest Designer Project, among others, to disseminate its vision.
The Róng Mini Library is an extension of this mission, functioning as a mobile display platform that showcases the latest material research related to traditional Chinese handicrafts. Its compact and versatile design allows it to travel globally, either remaining in one location for extended periods or continually moving to new destinations. The aim is to invite designers and artists worldwide to explore the rich tapestry of local Chinese crafts, offering a wellspring of inspiration for new designs and artworks.

Qingshan Village, Huanghu Town,Hangzhou City, China

+86 571 85850202
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